Title: Gracious Prompt: Disney: Giselle/Maleficent - Gentle Grace Requested by: femme_slash_fan Fandom: Disney Pairing: Giselle/Maleficent (Disney) Rating: G Word Count: 250 Also on AO3.
Title: Plot Twist Prompt: Disney: Anna/Belle - Blankets Requested by: fresh_brainss Fandom: Disney Pairing: Anna/Belle (Disney) Rating: G Word Count: 200 Also on AO3.
Title: Roses Prompt: Disney: Belle/Maleficent - Roses Requested by: fresh_brainss Fandom: Disney Pairing: Belle/Maleficent (Disney) Rating: T (non-graphic depiction of serious injury) Word Count: 250 Also on AO3.
Title: Entanglement Prompt: Disney: Ariel/Ursula - Double Penetration Requested by: killing_kurare Fandom: Disney Pairing: Ariel/Ursula (Disney) Rating: E Word Count: 250 Also on AO3.
Title: Get The Pink Light Prompt: Disney: Charlotte/Mulan - pink Requested by: fresh_brainss Fandom: Disney Pairing: Charlotte la Bouff/Fa Mulan Rating: M Word Count: 150 Also on AO3.
Title: The End of Kings Prompt: Game of Thrones: Daenerys/Yara - Fire and Water Requested by: swan_secrets Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Pairing: Yara Greyjoy/Daenerys Targaryen Rating: G Word Count: 250 Also on AO3.
Title: Kiss Away Prompt: Once Upon A Time: Mulan/Red - the past Requested by: bella_farfalla Fandom: Once Upon a Time Pairing: Mulan/Red Riding Hood | Ruby Rating: G Word Count: 100 (More precisely, 2x50) Also on AO3.
Title: Glisten Prompt: RPF: Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift: Abs Requested by: swan_secrets Fandom: RPF Pairing: Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift Rating: T Word Count: 100 Also on AO3.
Title: Unbroken Prompt: Game of Thrones: Lyanna (Mormont)/Shireen - what could have been Requested by: vitiate_me Fandom: Game of Thrones Pairing: Shireen Baratheon/Lyanna Mormont Rating: T Word Count: 250 Also on AO3.
Title: Lilac Prompt: Disney: Anna/Charlotte la Bouff - Lilac Requested by: fresh_brainss Fandom: Disney Pairing: Anna/Charlotte la Bouff (Disney) Rating: T Word Count: 250 Also on AO3.